As a single parent to four lively children (3 boys--8,7,5 and one girl 4) I am often hard pressed
to find activities to keep the family strong and enjoying each other. Here a few of the things which
have worked well for us. I hope they will for you too. If you have any other suggestions feel free
to email me.


One of our new projects is journalling, with the oldest two anyway. We have a lot of sibling rivalry
and repressed emotions. So I thought this would help some. Every school night we set aside 30 minutes
to write or draw in 0ur journals. Most evenings I give them a topic. Then the next evening we can share
something from our journals before we start a new entry.

1. Make a list of all the things you like about you.
2. Choose someone whom you admire. Make a list of all the qualities in them that you admire. Then
compare it to yesterday's list. Notice the similarities.
3. make a list of things that make you feel good. These can be things you like, things you do,
things others do.
4. Make a list of things you would like to do(new things) or things you already do that you would
like to do to make yourself happier.
5. Using your previous 4 lists, make a plan. Devise a list of things to do each day to make yourself
and others a little happier each day.