Domestic Violence Resources

I am including a list of domestic violence resources of which I am aware. I know mostly of resources
in southwestern Virginia, since that is where I live. However, any information for other areas will
be welcome. I will gladly add it here along with links to other informative sites.

National Resources

The National Domestic Violence Hotline

1-800-799-SAFE 1-800-787-3224 (TDD)

the national Domestic Violence Hotline is available to individuals residing in all 50 states, District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands 24 hours a day. Services include: crisis intervention,
information, referrals, and access to advocates , translators in 139 languages, &technology for the hearing

Virginia Resources

VA Family Violence Hotline

VA Sexual Assault Hotline


Domestic Violence Organization

Domestic Violence Handbook
