

Here I will have a quote or thought and my ideas of it. Hopefully it will give you something to
think about , or a journalling idea. I will occasionally have a meditation or visualization that goes
along with it.

The closer one comes to godhood, the more one feels sympathy for God. To participate in God's omniscience
is also to share His agony. from M. Scott Peck's Meditations from the Road.

Let me first say that I will attempt to choose quotes which will be fairly universal, regardless
of personal beliefs. You can substitute names for god. i, myself, am of a faith which is far removed
from the mainstream religions. This does not remove me from the mainstream of consciousness. This
quote really affected me. As I think of a creator who created all of us... from the earth, to mankind,
to the ants... I know that god has to be an emotional being... to fashion with so much love. When we
gaze around at where we have allowed our selfish natures to take all of life-kind.... we have to see
the pain we have caused. I know that after really thinking about this I will be thinking more about
how my actions affect not only those around me... but that which is within me and of which I am only
a small part.....