Listed below are some resources, links, and organizations listed by category. Please give them a
visit and help make our worls a better place for everyone.

Whether we are thinking about illnesses which affect our children or our elderly or even the population
as a whole, health is a primary concern of all of ours. Listed below are sites and resources for some
health problems we must all take notice of.

From rainforests to pesticides, and endangered species to global warming, our Earth is our home.
Take a look at the resources, organizations, and links here and help us leave our children a beautiful
world in which to live. Earth is our legacy..... what are we leaving behind?

HUGE list of organizations

World Wildlife Federation--easy to use action center.

From crime in the streets to crime in our homes, violence is all too often at the front of our minds.
These resources and organizations are working towards making our world a little safer.

We all too often forget that even though our country was founded on these principles, there are still
human rights issues right here in our backyard. There are also many areas of the world in which the
fight has just begun. Here is a list of resources and organizations and information on many of the battles
still going on.