Domestic Violence Information
In the United States a woman is beaten by her boyfriend, husband, or live-in partner every..... 9
Domestic violence is rampant and all too often ignored in our country today. Here you will find
information about it, resources, and links. Much of this may be local information for Virginia, but
if you have any information regarding Domestic Violence or resources in your area, feel free to let me
know and I will post it. We MUST stop the silence!!!
Very often our definition of abuse is hazy and we are unaware of abuse. We may think that what our
partner does is not abuse. We may have been in the relationship so long that we have become desensitized
to the abuse. This is a questionairre to see whether or not you may be abused... Directly following
is another one to see if someone you know may be being abused.
1. Does your partner intimidat you through looks or actions, destroy your property, or display weapons?
2. Does your partner continually put you down, call you names, or humiliate you?
3. Does your partner control what you do, who you see and talk to, and where you go, limiting your
involvement outside the relationship?
4. Are you made to feel guilty about the children, or has your partner threatened to take the children
5. Has your partner prevented you from getting or keeping a job, made you ask for money, taken
your money from you, or refused you access to family income?
6. Does your partner treat you like a servant, making all the decisions?
7. Has your partner threatened to kill you or commit suicide if you leave?
8. Has your partner forced you to drop assault charges against him or made you participate in an
illegal activity?
If If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, there is a chance that you are involved
with an abuser. Please find a resource near you or seek out professional advice from someone.
1. Does she appear anxious, depressed, withdrawn , or reluctant to talk?
2. Does her partner criticize her in front of you, making remarks that make you feel uncomfortable
when you're around the two of them?
3. Do you see or hear about repeated bruises, broken bones, or other injuries that reportedly result
from "accidents"?
4. Have there been suicide or homicide attempts in this family?
5. Does her partner try to control her every move, make her acount for her time, and accuse her
of having affairs?
6. Is there alcohol or drug abuse in the family?
7. Is she often late or absent from work, has she quit a job altogether, or does she leave social
engagements early because her partner is waiting for her?
If you answered yes to ANY of these, please try to help. Try to engage the person in conversation
away from her partner. Contact family and friends and let them know. Let her know that you are her
friend. If necessary, call a domestic violence hotline for information on ways you can help. It will
be a long road, don't leave her behind. She may become defensive, angry, etc.. this is an automatic
defense against the fear and shame she has already been subjected to.
National Domestic Violence Hot Line
A Safe Plan for Abused Women
1. Know the shelter hotline number
2. Don't get trapped in the kitchen or bathroom.
4. Take your children with you.
5. Know a safe place to go.
6. Have an extra car key and have cash hidden in car for emergency use.
7. Gather important papers and phone numbers. Store them with a friend or neighbor.
8. Tell a neighbor about this violent behavior. Arrange a signal so police can be called if needed.
9. If all else fails and you cannot escape, pretend to faint. It may stop the attack.